Breast cancer surgery with augmented reality, 2021 > 논문정보

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Breast cancer surgery with augmented reality, 2021

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Breast cancer surgery with augmented reality, 2021 

증강현실을 활용한 유방암 수술에 대한 논문

증강 현실을 이용한 유방암 보존적 유도 수술은 수술 중 종양 위치 파악을 위한 디지털 비침습적 방법의 새로운 길을 제시

The breast surgeon wearing an augmented reality headset (Hololens) was able to visualize the tumor location projection inside the patient’s left breast in the usual supine position. Discussion: This work describes, to our knowledge, the first experimental test with a digital non-invasive method for intra-operative breast cancer localization using augmented reality to guide breast conservative surgery. In this case, a successful overlap of the previous standard pre-operative marks with carbon tattooing and tumor visualization inside the patient’s breast with augmented reality was obtained. Conclusion: Breast cancer conservative guided surgery with augmented reality can pave the way for a digital non-invasive method for intra-operative tumor localization



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